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A major goal of the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) is to advance knowledge and understanding about the profession of budget and policy analysis processes in the public sector. The AABPA Speakers Bureau is a significant means of fulfilling that goal.
AABPA Speakers Bureau volunteers are available to share their extensive knowledge and insight about public and nonprofit budgeting and policy analysis; the day-by-day work of policy and budget professionals; and the activities of AABPA. Presentations by bureau members are of value to students preparing for careers in public sector budgeting and policy analysis as well as to nonprofit organizations and private sector firms seeking more information about public budgeting.
Bureau speakers have varied experiences in diverse parts of public sector budgeting and policy analysis. Some have served most of their careers to date in a particular role. Others have broad experience in many different roles in public sector budgeting and analysis. Bureau members also are comfortable making presentations in varying settings. AABPA invites universities and colleges, nonprofit organizations, and private entities to review the profiles of bureau members to determine which speakers can best address your needs and interests in budgeting and policy analysis in the setting desired by your organization. Interested parties may contact speakers directly by clicking here or by clicking "Speakers Bureau Profiles" in the quick links above.
In addition to the presentations of speakers, AABPA provides material about AABPA educational and professional goals and its activities and events. A link to a general description of AABPA and its programs is also on the menu above.
If you have questions about AABPA, the Speakers Bureau, or need help in determining how best to use the Bureau as a resource for your organization, the Bureau Coordinator can assist you. The Speakers Bureau coordinator is Edward Brigham. You may contact the coordinator at [email protected]. Prospective members may also contact the Coordinator to discuss how to participate in the Bureau. Additional information can also be found here or by clicking "Speakers Bureau Guidelines" in the quick links at the top of the page.
Recent Appearances by AABPA Speakers:
AABPA members organized and presented two panels at the 2016 annual conference of the Budget and Financial Management section (ABFM) of ASPA in Seattle, WA, October 6-9, 2016. ABFM is the principal professional organization of academics who teach public finance and budgeting. The panels provided practitioner perspectives on topics of interest to both academics and practitioners. ABFM and AABPA are partners in sponsoring the Journal of Public Budgeting and Finance.
“Performance Metrics Through a Paramedic Lens” moderated by Patrick Washington, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office/George Mason University (current member of the AABPA board of directors), discussed performance metrics utilized and assessments performed by Federal agencies. Panelists included Jon Stehle, MITRE Corporation (current AABPA board member); Karen Kunz, West Virginia University (current AABPA board member); Amy Squires, MITRE Corporation; and Donna Donella, MITRE Corporation.
“The Validity of Government Financial Data in Audits and Financial Statements” addressed financial data and management issues raised in the GAO government-wide audit of the Federal Government for FY2015. The panel was moderated by Karen Kunz, West Virginia University (current AABPA board member). The panelists were Melissa Neuman, OMB/GW University (current AABPA board member); Patrick Washington, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office/George Mason University (current member of the AABPA board); and Edward Brigham, Federal Consulting Alliance (current AABPA board member). |
An AABPA representative made a presentation (via Skype) on the History of the Federal Budget Process to the WVU School of Public Administration class PUBA 720, Public Budgeting. The course is taught by Prof. Maja Holmes. The presentation was made in January, 2016 by Edward Brigham. |
Building on the DATA Act to Drive Performance
Friday, April 28, 2017 noon - 8 pm & Saturday, April 29, 2017 10 am to 1 pm)
Interested in learning more where federal dollars are spent? Interesting in learning what the impact of those dollars? If so join us for a two day event April 28 and April 29 to investigate how to connect these two important ideas in a hands on learning event with data. This forum offers students with a unique opportunity to experience a hackathon to help the government make more transparent and informed decisions.
Useful Links:
Below are links to some background information about education policy as well as the collection and use government performance data, which inspired the creation of this event.
Every Student Succeeds Act:
DATA Act (Digital Accountability and Transparency Act)
Data Coalition

Success in the Classroom II:
March 31-April 1, 2017
The Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics, the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) and the Student Association of Public Administrators (SAPA) will host a two day event for students on March 31 and April 1 and a one day forum on April 1 for k-12 teachers from the Appalachian region. The focus of Success in the Classroom II is on bringing together college students, teachers, and researchers to build applications and tools designed to understand and improve the effectiveness of federal spending on K-12 schools.
The approach offers students with a unique opportunity to experience a hackathon to help the government make more transparent and informed decisions. The event will be combined with a forum for educations so that students and teachers will have the opportunity to learn, network and discover solutions together. The event will again be held at the Reed College of Media’s Media Innovation Center at Evansdale Crossing, which will enhance this interactive event.
For more information on the initial event see below:
Success in the Classroom I:
On March 31st the Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics, the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) and the Student Association of Public Administrators (SAPA) hosted a forum for k-12 teachers from the Appalachian region. The focus of Success in the Classroom was to learn about the teachers’ experiences of success in their classrooms and develop what ways that those successes might be measured. Jay Cole and Governor Bob Wise kicked off the event, held at the Reed College of Media’s Media Innovation Center at Evansdale Crossing, setting the stage for the dynamic and insightful discussion that followed. Teachers were sorted into small groups with discussions facilitated by members of SAPA and individuals from AABPA and MITRE. At the end of the day the teachers were brought back together to discuss the substantive points made in each group. The data gathered will be used to develop a white paper on measuring success in the classroom that will be sent to state and federal policy makers. The event was so well received that a second event is planned for April 1, 2017.
The event was covered by local West Virginia stations:
WBOY : http://www.wboy.com/story/31394829/educators-meet-at-wvu-to-discuss-classroom-success
WDTV: http://www.wdtv.com/wdtv.cfm?func=view§ion=5-News&item=Education-Trends-for-a-Successful-Classroom-29170
Useful Links:
Below are links to some background information about education policy as well as the collection and use government performance data, which inspired the creation of this event.
Every Student Succeeds Act:
Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act):
Data Coalition
Government Performance & Results Modernization Act:
"Federal Aid to State and Local Governments and Prospects for Changes" at the 2015 Virginia Symposium on Government Budget and Performance Management sponsored by the Project Performance Corporation (PPC). Richmond, VA; May, 2015. AABPA speaker: Edward Brigham. |
On Friday November 14, AABPA members Jon Stehle and Patrick Washington presented at an event hosted by the West Virginia University Student Association of Public Administration (WVU SAPA). The event, titled "Performance, Accountability & Engagement - Opportunities for the 114th Congress" included a discussion open to the entire WVU community and focused on the results of the midterm election and the opportunities for voters, the media, and the 114th Congress to better engage now and in the future. |
On November 4, 2014, several AABPA Members participate at the Budget Formulation Execution Line of Business (BFELoB) Fall Forum at the Department of Education. Over 220 attendees from 40 agencies participated in the Forum. AABPA Members participated in a variety of panels throughout the day, including: Careers in Budget: A Tale in Knowledge and Growth - Carl Moratvitz and Shelly McAllister Advances in Aligning Performance Data and Budget Information: Moving Beyond Simple Metric Tracking and Position Management - Malena Brookshire (Powerpoint slides available by clicking here.) The Art of Unsticking - ways to move your career forward - Jon Stehle
Knowledge: Your Key to Working Smarter, not Harder, in a Budget Office - Shelly McAllister
The panelists seated are (left to right)
Christopher Johns, Director for the Office of Budget at Department of Energy and Chair of the Budget Officer's Advisory Council (BOAC)
Melissa Flottman, Financial Manager at National Park Service
Ryan Smith, Analyst in the Office of Budget at the Department of Commerce
Panel on "Federal Appropriations Process: Perceptions and Practices" at the annual ABFM conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan; October, 2014. AABPA participants: Patrick Washington, Jon Stehle, and Edward Brigham.
On October 3, 2014, several AABPA members participated on a panel at the annual conference of the Association for Budget and Financial Management (ABFM) in Grand Rapids, Michigan. ABFM is a section of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). The panel was titled “Federal Appropriations Process: Perceptions and Practice.” It provided practitioners’ perspectives on the complex variety of appropriations in federal law, recent uncertainty surrounding federal appropriations and Congress’s increasing reliance on continuing resolutions (CRs) as funding vehicles, and the impact of CRs on federal agency operations.
The panel was proposed and its participants recruited by Dr. Karen Kunz of West Virginia University. Dr. Kunz is a member of the AABPA Board of Directors. Three of the four panelists – Patrick Washington, Jon Stehle, and Edward Brigham – are current AABPA board members as well. The fourth panelist was Anthony McCann, adjunct professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy.
ABFM and AABPA jointly created and sponsor the Journal of Public Budgeting and Finance through the Public Financial Publications, Inc. |
"Career Advancement and Promotions: Creating Your Next Opportunity" at the Budget Formulation Execution Line of Business (BFELoB) Budget Career Day. Department of Education, Washington DC June 2014. AABPA Speaker: Jon Stehle |
"What Every federal Employee Needs to Know about the Budget" at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit sponsored by GovLoop and Young Government Leaders (YGL). Washington, DC July 2014. AABPA speakers: Edward Brigham and Jon Stehle |
"Federal Aid to State and Local Governments and Trends in Federal Budget Staffing" at the 2014 Virginia Symposium on Government Budget and Performance Management sponsored by the Project Performance Corporation (PPC). Richmond, VA; May, 2014. AABPA speaker: Edward Brigham |
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